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Raised Row Gardening

How To Grow Simple…

Our Raised Row Beds At The Old World Garden Farm

Our Raised Row Beds At The Old World Garden Farm

Have you always wanted to grow your own food?  If you are one of those that think gardening has to be back breaking work – think again!

Below is our four-part series on how to plant a simple garden using raised row beds.

Our raised row, no till and low maintenance beds provide us with thousands of pounds of vegetables each year, and keep us in fresh and canned food year round. Through each of the four parts –  we take you through the process of how we plan, plant, care and maintain our raised row garden beds – and how to create your own simple garden in your yard.


Just click on the steps below to view each of the four part series.

1. Growing Simple With Raised Rows, No-Till Beds 

2. Preparing And Planting The Raised Row Garden

3. Maintaining The Garden Through The Season

4. Keeping Your Beds Productive  

The pictures below are all from our garden the last two years.  It measures just 40 x 60′. but yields over 3000 pounds of vegetables a year for us. In general, we spend less than 10 minutes a day working in it through the spring and summer months.

So maybe we planted a few too many peppers in the garden plan this year!

So maybe we planted a few too many peppers in the garden plan this year!

Make sure to rotate your plants and grow them in different spaces each year

Make sure to rotate your plants and grow them in different spaces each year



Fresh Carrots

Fresh Carrots

Our tomato staple..the Roma.

Our tomato staple..the Roma.

potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, lettuce peas and green beans

potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, lettuce peas and green beans

Sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas

Hot Pepper Crop

Hot Pepper Crop

Our Compost Bins - made from pallets

Our Compost Bins – made from pallets